Yesterday was the annual baby dedication ceremony in our church. Joey was one of the 200-over babies dedicated to God. There are significant spiritual principles in dedicating babies to God. Please read Isaiah's blog for more info..Here's Joey in the overflow area waiting for the baby dedication...
Joey is wearing a new pink velvet romper bought for her by my mother in law, specially for her baby dedication ceremony. It's a really expensive romper, I must say... *heart pain when I heard the price*, but it is really really very nice. When Auntie Shirley came over to see Joey, she also commented that it's such a sweet romper. hee..Blessed Joey!

Mummy with joey!

Nigel jiu-jiu posing with niece joey!

Here comes Uncle ziwei, who came over to take a photo with Joey!

Ziwei: See, I so good to you. I purposely didn't edit the photo or add any border so that you can download it onto your computer and see my joey everyday. Hehe.. Good ah?? Pity she didn't look straight into the camera. We can take another one another day ok!
My favorite photo of the day - Me & my 2 darlings!

This year, Pst Chris Pringle (Pst Phil's wife) was the one who proclaimed and prayed blessings over our babies. I could really sense the presence of God when she was explaining about the importance of dedicating our kids to the Lord. Frankly speaking, whenever our church has a baby dedication ceremony, never had I thought that I will be one of those dedicating my kid to the Lord. The thought just never came into my mind although I knew I would have a kid and I would want to dedicate him or her to the Lord. All of a sudden, it just reminded me that it is in God's best timing that Joey was given to Isaiah and I, and it is the best reminder of God's goodness in our lives.
After the service, we also took a family photo (me, isaiah, joey, mum in law, david, nigel & kat) using the services provided by our church because it's our 17th anniversary! I wonder why there were no long queues because the photos were taken with studio standards! I think many people really missed it. I am so looking forward to seeing the final product next week!! I will sure blog it & show the world! :D