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Princess Joey

Saturday, August 12, 2006

It's a Flattering Thought

Yesterday I brought Joey out with my parents because my dad needed my help to renew his business licence. The funny thing was the moment my parents carried joey, she would be very cranky and immediately pout her lips to cry. Then she would open her arms wide and looked at me with teary eyes, as if pleading me to carry her. Indeed she would immediately stop whining when I carry her. Maybe it's the smell on me???

Although she looked so pitifully cute, it was really quite flattering to know that my daughter prefers me to anyone else.

I always thought it is not possible that Joey would have the fear-of-stranger syndrome so soon. But it appears so. For my parents, although they're no strangers to her, she always needs some time to warm up to them when she sees them once a week. Kids forget very quickly, so even just within a span of one week, she would forget what her grandparents look like!

But of course, her level of crankiness differs depending on her mood and whether she's had her milk and sleep. After a nap, she is usually all smiley infront of no matter who. Someone commented that day that Joey has got to be one of the most smiley babies she has ever met. Haha.. what a compliment. To a certain extent, I sometimes think she has a very sam seng woman character because everything is funny, everything is hilarious.

Did I ever mention before in this blog that there was 1 afternoon when I was working on my laptop at home and I put joey in her rocker chair infront of me so that she was facing me. All of a sudden, she started to giggle and laugh all by herself. Which of course caught my attention and I looked at her. She laughed somemore, really amused. Then I went back to my laptop and she immediately made a 'errrrhhhh!!!' sound trying to catch my attention. So I looked at her again and she giggled again. And this went on and on for at least 15 mins! So funny, ok.. don't know what was so amusing.. Maybe she just likes to laugh and smile. I would like to think of it as the joy of the Lord. :)

Look at this photo that Lilian sent me the other day. She probably took it with her hp when she met Joey the other time. What a weird thing to do to my Joey! Trying to enlarge her nostrils???!! My poor joey, so defenceless.....


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