Hyper Joey
Joey is quite hyperactive. Auntie just realised yesterday how much she likes to jump & hop. Yes, if you hold her up to a standing position, she will literally hop up & down, with feet at least lifted 5cm above ground. She is so strong that you need more than a popeye to hold on to her. Our arms are usually so tired after 5minutes of hopping, but she would still be gleefully hopping, hopping, hopping.
See Joey with Nigel jiu-jiu this afternoon when we went out for lunch together. Why does Joey look so blur? Because she is in the midst of hopping when I snapped the shot. hehe!
See Joey with Nigel jiu-jiu this afternoon when we went out for lunch together. Why does Joey look so blur? Because she is in the midst of hopping when I snapped the shot. hehe!
Joey's signature smile is when her eyes become one straight line till you can't see them anymore. But I am thankful that she is a very happy child & smiles & laughs alot. I think it must be because I was a very happy & cheerful pregnant mama!
Joey's playing with David shu-shu and ye-ye at home... She loves it when they clap their hands!
Joey's in the car resting and about to fall asleep with the cool aircon and gong-gong patting her lightly... Oh man, Joey looks so fat in this photo!! I promise it's the angle!!
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