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Princess Joey

Friday, June 30, 2006

A Solution Is Needed!

I've got to find a solution fast for this. Every Thursday night cell group meeting has become a problem now because there's no one who can help me take care of joey while i attend cg meeting. The 1st meeting I attended was OK because at least my mum in law was at home and she took care of Joey in her room. But for the 2 CGMs subsequently, she had to go out and all I could do was feed joey her milk and coax her to sleep in my bedroom before 8pm, and pray hard that she will sleep all the way to 10pm when CG ends.

But that of course is wishful thinking because since when do babies do what we wish for? I had to leave her room door open so that when she cries, I can hear her. So she could hear everyting that was going on and would cry now and then during the meeting. I had to shuffle in and out of the room to check on her and pacify her frequently.

Last night was even worse because she couldn't get to sleep throughout the whole CG meeting! And I kept walking and carrying her in the room, and praying hard she will quickly fall asleep so that I can join the meeting. In the end, I had to listen to the whole meeting sitting by the door inside my bedroom. Sigh..

It's really so disruptive for me and all my CG members. Please forgive me! It's not that I don't think CG meetings are not important. In fact, if some of you have not been that focused on God during worship, you would have seen me sneaking out from my bedroom with Joey in my arms, hoping that she will not cry and I can at least join the meeting carrying her throughout. But no, she started fidgeting the moment i sat down and I had to quickly retreat back into my room in order not to disrupt the meeting. But not without first giving a word during the free worship part. haha... thank God at least I did contribute to the atmosphere for that 5 minutes.

I guess the only way would be to make some arrangements with my mum in law to stay at home every thursday night so that I can join CG meeting in peace.


  • At Wed Jul 05, 09:54:00 AM, Blogger Little Warrior said…

    Why don't you try letting Joey sit in the cellgp? I put Joshua beside me,on a big cushion. At times,put a toy there to let him play himself.
    Of course, he make some noise, but I presume he is praising Lord too. Haa..


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