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Princess Joey

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I've Reached A Decision

I've decided. From now onwards, I shall bring joey to office in the front carrier!

I had a good experience today carrying her in that carrier that auntie gave to me. She was snuggled comfortably in it and could look at the sceneries on her left & right. When she's tired, she will rest her head on my chest & fall asleep.

Me, on the other hand, could have both my hands free and practically do anything I want! I could take the bus, MRT, lift, staircases, rocky grounds, etc etc etc. It was good! And today's a good day because the MRT's not crowded, so I got a seat. All else I needed to carry was my own bag which contained my laptop. On days when I do not need to bring my laptop home, it would be a breeze to come to work! Yeh, I am so happy to finally find the best solution!

Frankly speaking, it's not that this idea did not surface earlier. Because of my vanity, I had refused to buy a front carrier because I had the impression that it belonged to the aunties era, which I obviously do not fit in (yet). So, I settled for a sarong sling which my friends bought for me, but if you've been following this blog, I still have not figured out how to put joey comfortably inside.

So, when auntie offered to give me this front carrier, I was like 'errmmm.. ok loh, just take first then see...' How would I know it would be a godsend?!! Oh man, God bless the man who invented front carriers. He or she deserves a Nobel award. And I shall personally thank him or her in heaven someday.

Anyway, so a happy mummy I am today because joey is a happy baby. No more bumpy rides in her stroller. No more unsteady rides up and down escalators. No more dangerous stunts up & down staircases. Goody goody good!

To end off this note, I just wanna say a big HELLOOOO!! to Dawn who professed to be a faithful reader of this blog! hahahaha..


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