Joey's Baby Shower
Finally Joey is one month old! Haha.. but that's still a long way to her one year old birthday, to her 1st day at nursery, to her first day in Primary School, to her wedding day... etc etc.. It's really just the beginning. I'd like to think it more as a farewell party that I've thrown for myself to say a big fat goodbye to my confinement (in every sense of the word).
So we had a small party at home and invited some friends over. Thank you all for coming and blessing Joey. We truly feel so blessed by everyone of you who took the time to drop by. Hope everyone had fun. : ) I feel obliged to apologise on behalf of my mischievous daughter who refused to wake up even though everyone tried every ounce & energy to wake her up. I think she's just pretending to be a good girl who sleeps and eats and does not bother mummy.
This is of course absolutely untrue because the moment all the guests left, she started to scream & make noise (which is really her true nature). And her eyes were wide open! And I mean wide open open. (sigh)
But much to the disappointment of many of you out there who so evily predicts that she will not sleep at night since she's slept so much during the day, let me just laugh in your face first (HAHAHAHAHAHA!). After making a small amount of noise last night, she went back into her deep slumber and has been sleeping soundly all through the night. I just fed her again at 5am and now she's soundly asleep. Hallelujah! hehe.. (laughs somemore)
Another piece of bad news though. In the midst of all the fun, we forgot to take photos of the baby shower! Sigh sigh sigh.. But bro Khen Theen did manage to take some very interesting video clips of some cell group leaders hailing how nice the durian puffs made by my mummy were (You guys are really very good, i think she probably couldn't sleep last night thinking about how much people appreciate her talents. Thanks for building up her self esteem. =P)
I think I can only take photos of the presents Joey received then. Will upload them when they're ready! And maybe the indiscriminating video clip!
So we had a small party at home and invited some friends over. Thank you all for coming and blessing Joey. We truly feel so blessed by everyone of you who took the time to drop by. Hope everyone had fun. : ) I feel obliged to apologise on behalf of my mischievous daughter who refused to wake up even though everyone tried every ounce & energy to wake her up. I think she's just pretending to be a good girl who sleeps and eats and does not bother mummy.
This is of course absolutely untrue because the moment all the guests left, she started to scream & make noise (which is really her true nature). And her eyes were wide open! And I mean wide open open. (sigh)
But much to the disappointment of many of you out there who so evily predicts that she will not sleep at night since she's slept so much during the day, let me just laugh in your face first (HAHAHAHAHAHA!). After making a small amount of noise last night, she went back into her deep slumber and has been sleeping soundly all through the night. I just fed her again at 5am and now she's soundly asleep. Hallelujah! hehe.. (laughs somemore)
Another piece of bad news though. In the midst of all the fun, we forgot to take photos of the baby shower! Sigh sigh sigh.. But bro Khen Theen did manage to take some very interesting video clips of some cell group leaders hailing how nice the durian puffs made by my mummy were (You guys are really very good, i think she probably couldn't sleep last night thinking about how much people appreciate her talents. Thanks for building up her self esteem. =P)
I think I can only take photos of the presents Joey received then. Will upload them when they're ready! And maybe the indiscriminating video clip!
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