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Princess Joey

Saturday, May 13, 2006

1st Time in Nursery

Today is Joey's 1st church service. She almost slept throughout the whole service and I was so proud of her obedience until she started to cry towards the end of the service. It was normalcrying though, because it was time for her feed. I was still thinking to myself that everything would be good and she will just go back to sleep after a smooth feed. She did have a smooth feed and just fell asleep for 5 minutes before she started to cry SUPER LOUDLY.

So loudly that many of the mummies in the nursery all turned to see what happened to this little gal. The helpful nursery workers all tried to suggest that maybe she's hungry, thirsty, sleepy.. etc etc.. and no amount of coo-ing seemed to be able to pacify her. She just kept crying and crying at top volume. Finally we all decided that maybe her milk was too little and she's still hungry, so frantically I tried to make another bottle of milk. But she refused to drink & just continued to scream at top volume!

Finally after much guesswork and alot of frantic moves by yours truly and the nursery workers, she cooled down and decided to drink some milk. Just when we were about to leave the nursery, as I wanted to change her diaper, we realised that she had POO-ED! What alot of poo that was! No wonder she was crying non-stop. She always cries and makes a fuss when she's about to poo. No wonder. Sigh.. but I did take a pix of her in the nursery today.. before the whole crying saga happened...


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