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Princess Joey

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sugar = Overweight?

When I went to see Dr Chew again on Monday, barely 1 week after I last saw her, Joey has gained 0.3kg. The weird thing was that I lost 0.9kg while Joey gained. Dr Chew once said before that once I start to lose weight, that means my due date is soon. So, when I weighed myself, I was quite excited to see that I've lost weight. Yet, because Joey is still gaining weight, so I guess it's not gonna be so fast afterall.

Next week will be my 37th week. 37th week to 40th week is considered the 'due period', which means the baby can be born anytime and will not be considered premature anymore. Dr Chew tells me that Joey is considered a huge baby. She's only 36 weeks old but already weighs 3.2kg, heavier than some babies even when they were borned. Dr Chew estimates that Joey will be over 7 pounds at birth if she continues growing at this rate.

This is really weird because I eat irregular meals and I have been eating only 1 or 2 meals everyday for the past 1 week. But Dr Chew said that babies tend to grow bigger if my sugar intake is high because babies absorb sugar content for growth. No wonder I keep craving for sweet things. Of course, got to really watch the sugar intake, otherwise might become diabetic. And I don't really want Joey to grow too big inside my stomach. She's afterall a girl mah..

Dr Chew also made a very funny comment. She said it's OK for the baby to put on the pounds, because when she is born, she will take the entire weight away from me. But if I pile on the pounds, it will take very long for me to shed them. And that is why if a woman doesn't lose the weight put on during pregnancy fast enough and gets pregnant again with a second baby, she will just grow fatter and fatter and fatter.. oh haha..

And yes, I know many of my friends will scold me when they hear this. But I haven't packed my hospital bag yet. One more week of procrastination again! I promise this coming weekend I will surely pack it!

Sis Yah Lan is already 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant as at today. She is overdue and yet her gynae didn't ask her to be induced for birth. But I think she is really 'anytime' already. haha.. I wouldn't dare be earlier than her though, cos her stomach is really very big now. I hope her delivery will be very smooth and easy. Mine too of course. : )


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