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Princess Joey

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Amazing 3rd Trimester

People say that the 1st trimester is often the most difficult period for pregnant women because all the puking, nauseousness, tiredness, etc will take up every second of everyday life. The 2nd trimester is supposed to be the most comfortable time, because the stomach is not too huge yet, and the early symptoms have all left, leaving the mummy-to-be to really start enjoying her pregnancy. Moving into the 3rd trimester, the pregnant woman will start to suffer again from the heaviness of the baby because here's when the baby will grow at exponential speed. Backaches, insomnia due to the huge tummy, frequent trips to the toilet, etc. I am now in that stage.

Well, it's not as bad as I imagined it to be though. The heaviness and burden is starting to take its toil on me. I can start to feel it when my back aches now, and when I walk, I really feel heavier with every step I take. Sleeping positions are not as comfortable now that the tummy seems to get in the way every where i turn.

Not to mention the weird feeling in my gastric now & then. It's not exactly pain, but I feel as if the whole gastric is just twisting & turning & somersaulting. It's really hard to explain that feeling. I sometimes wonder if it's Joey trying to poke her head upwards causing the tightness I feel in the area just above my tummy, around the gastric area.

I wonder what position Joey is in now? The last time we saw her in the ultrasound, she was still sitting upright, same position as I am. But Dr Chew said she will soon turn 180 degrees with her head downwards, to prepare herself for the delivery. For some reasons, some babies will never turn downwards though, & Dr Chew said there may be many reasons why it may happen. If Joey has already turned, then it would be her legs that's kicking at my gastric. : )

According to this professional baby website I have been consulting every now & then, Joey has started to recognise papa's voice at this stage. Sorry to all the other uncles & ah-yees who have been trying to talk to her through my belly-buttons, she really just treats them as noise for the time being. Haha.. So, I have been threatening Isaiah not to say anything unkind to me, otherwise Joey will hear it and when she grows up, she may kick him to the old folks home. Hahahaha... but of course that won't happen lah, the first thing I must teach her is filial piety - to pave the way for my retirement. Haha!


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